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amero can manage

The priorities accordingly, attention to detail, and most importantly, the ability to monitor a wide range of tasks to keep projects on time and within budget.

mortar joint grinding and tuckpointing

Mortar is the binding material when building with brick, block, and stone and contributes to the wall’s overall appearance. After a number of years, the mortar joints may start to degrade due to water penetration. The damaged joints can be replaced by grinding the existing joints and “repointing” new mortar.


Metal lintels are pieces of steel installed above door and window openings on the masonry wall. This allows brick to be installed above these openings. Angle irons and w-beam lintels are commonly used in construction. As lintels age they begin to rust, swell, and bend. Replacing damaged lintels helps maintain the building’s integrity and structure.


Pressure washing is the use of spraying water under high pressure to remove dust, stains, loose paint, grime, and dirt from surfaces such as brick and concrete masonry walls. Pressure washing can help restore the building’s surface giving it a renewed look.

Solid Masonry and Brick Veneer Masonry:

Solid masonry is the structural support of the building and consists of several wythes. The brick veneer is only one wythe and there is an open cavity between the brick and the backup wall which allows for the addition of insulation, vapor barriers, and mortar collection material. Brick veneer walls must have proper flashing and weep devices to allow water and moisture to exit the cavity and travel to the exterior of the building.


A parapet wall is a low or dwarf wall built along the edge of the roof, terrace, walkway, or balcony. It serves as protective guardrail and as a firewall to prevent the spread of fires from one building to another. Parapet walls are prone to displacement, bowing, cracking, and spalling.

brick chimneys

Chimneys are typically the first part of a brick building to show signs of deterioration. This is because chimneys are continuously affected by the elements. Sticking out above the roofline, chimneys don’t have any roof or gutter system to divert water as the main part of masonry structures.

A small hairline crack in your chimney capstone cause lead to serious damage.  Water penetration through a damaged cap can cause the top of the chimney to disintegrate by cracking, spalling, flaking and even missing brick until it is restored.


Concrete restoration is the process of replacing old and damaged concrete that has deteriorated due to weather and its environment and repairing the steel reinforcement within. Concrete repair and restoration help restore the structural integrity and safety to the building.


Waterproofing is a common preventative maintenance service that can minimize your building’s brick work to water damage by shielding your masonry from wind driven and saturating rains. Waterproofing structures usually include smooth/ split face concrete block, limestone, renaissance stone, sandblasted/water blasted common brick as they are all particularly porous.

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